"Origin of the Species"

Alexander McQueen Spring 2010 collection inspired by evolutionary origins.

Designer Alexander McQueen created his own ‘origin of the species’ with his evolutionary inspired designs in his Spring 2010 collection. Utilizing lavish materials such as feathers, vividly embossed fabric breastplates, and ‘serpentine’ like styles of jackets, the designer took an ethereal and theatrical take on prehistoric fashion, and applied it to contemporary times. The nature of McQueen’s designs are artificially shaped and cut closely to the body. Skins were among the first fabrics used in history by the earliest of human, and interestingly enough McQueen seems to mimic the patterns of bird feather patterning with the vivid fabrics he uses. In prehistoric times, camouflage was used as a form of protection, however in McQueen’s collection its the opposite. Vivid fabrics and bespoken cuts serve a decorative purpose and as they are in vogue they represent status and enhance attractiveness, according to the social mores of our time.


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